Free Salary Sacrifice Webinar - 21st June

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Consultancy Firms

If you want to promote inclusivity and fairness in your consultancy firm and to improve morale and productivity, then sign-up for our salary sacrifice car scheme; the best employee benefit currently on the market and available to everyone in your business.

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What is a salary sacrifice car scheme?

Leasing a vehicle is more cost-effective than buying one, and driving a zero-emission vehicle is better for the environment than driving a petrol/diesel vehicle. Pink Salary Exchange have designed an employee benefit scheme which enables the employee to enjoy both these benefits, alongside a raft of other great features.

A salary sacrifice car scheme works by the employee signing an agreement to sacrifice a portion of their salary in exchange for a lease deal on an electric vehicle. This is calculated on the employee’s gross salary and therefore means that the employee is paying less income tax and national insurance, so don’t delay and get your consultancy firm signed up for the ‘next generation’ in salary sacrifice car schemes today.

Great features of our Pink salary sacrifice car scheme

  • Open to everyone
  • Easy to enrol
  • No deposit
  • No liability if the employee leaves the business
company tax bill

Employee benefits

  • Cost-effective motoring – leasing is cheaper than buying a vehicle
  • Zero & low emissions – employees are using electric power and plug in hybrids rather than traditional fuels and hence, they are saving money and saving the environment
  • One regular amount – employees have a fixed monthly sacrifice for all their motoring costs
  • New vehicles – employees are always driving a new vehicle and have a great choice of the best vehicle brands available
  • Flexible – employees can tailor their lease agreement to suit their budget and lifestyle
  • Low-risk – no deposit, no liability if they leave the company and no disposal responsibilities
complete guide to a salary sacrifice scheme

Employer benefits

  • Reduced national insurance costs for each employee
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Reduced fleet costs
  • Inclusivity and fairness throughout the company
  • Improved morale and productivity from the workforce
  • Better compliance with safety, licensing and insurance
  • Easy-to-manage online management portal
employee perks

How to apply for your salary sacrifice car scheme

There is an easy four-step sequence to get your consultancy firm signed-up and ready for employees to choose their dream vehicles. This is how it works:

  • Apply now – with basic information about the business
  • Validation – we check your details and process your application immediately, then we issue you with login details for our easy-to-use online management portal
  • Approval – within eight hours we will have you set-up and ready to start enrolling employees
  • Choose a vehicle – your employees can be signed-up straight away and can start choosing a lease vehicle

Contact our team at Pink Salary Exchange today

Our salary sacrifice car scheme is the next generation of employee benefits. It is designed by industry experts in car leasing, taxation, insurance and service & maintenance. We are dedicated to helping your consultancy firm reward its employees with a great range of benefits, and as the employer you also stand to enjoy some amazing advantages through the scheme, so get in touch with our dedicated team at Pink Salary Exchange and we can get you signed-up straight away.

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Sign up now & find your new car with Pink Salary Exchange

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10 Moons Park,
Burnt Meadow Road,
North Moons Moat,
B98 9PA

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