Free Salary Sacrifice Webinar - 21st June

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Medical Professionals

Medical professionals work in a fast-moving environment and in situations where it is important to manage people fairly and to keep morale boosted. And one of the best ways you can do this is to offer a salary sacrifice car scheme, so you can help your employees save money and reduce their carbon footprint while also promoting inclusivity as a progressive employer, and if you contact our team at Pink Salary Exchange, we can get you signed-up and ready to enrol employees today.

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What is a salary sacrifice car scheme?

Our next generation salary sacrifice scheme has been designed by experts in vehicle leasing, finance, taxation and insurance. This makes it an industry-leading example of an employee benefit. A salary sacrifice car scheme enables an employee to use a portion of their gross salary in exchange for a leasing agreement on a zero-emission electric vehicle (EV) or a low-emission plug-in hybrid vehicle. A leasing deal reduces the employee’s motoring costs and their environmental impact, and also has great benefits for the employer.

Let’s talk about the benefits of a salary sacrifice car scheme

For the employee:

  • Affordable motoring: leasing a vehicle is cheaper than buying one, and running an EV is cheaper than running a petrol or diesel vehicle.
  • Cash saving: because the salary sacrifice is made on the employee’s gross salary, they pay less income tax and national insurance, hence making a cash benefit each month.
  • Easy to budget: the employee is sacrificing a fixed portion of their salary each month, this is going towards all their motoring costs so is easy to budget and plan for.
  • Carbon footprint: driving a zero/low emission vehicle reduces the employee’s environmental impact.
  • New vehicles: our flexible lease deals run from 24 to 48 months, which means you can always be driving a new vehicle.
  • Low-risk: there is no deposit on our lease deals and you are not liable for continuing payments if you leave your job, so there is no risk to signing-up.

For the employer:

  • National insurance payments: for each employee enrolled on the scheme, the employer is paying less national insurance contributions (assuming the NI savings aren’t shared).
  • Sustainable employer: you can more easily achieve your environmental objectives because you are promoting greener driving and reducing emissions.
  • Best leasing deals: through Pink Salary Exchange you have access to the best leasing deals on the market, hence reducing your fleet costs.
  • Better compliance: our online management portal enables you to track lease vehicles better for taxation, insurance and maintenance, hence improving your compliance.
  • Easy to manage: simple sign-up and management process and all help guide literature is accessible online.
  • High quality employer: you can promote the scheme as part of an attractive remuneration package, which also promotes inclusivity and fairness, and in turn will improve employee loyalty, morale and productivity.

Click on these links for the full list of employee benefits and employer benefits

employer stood next to his car

Sign-up for our salary sacrifice scheme today

Get your medical professionals signed-up for a salary sacrifice car scheme in a matter of hours with an easy enrolment process.

How it works is that you:

  • Apply now with your basic business information
  • Then we check your details and issue you with a login and access to our online management portal
  • We aim to have a live scheme online for you within eight hours, and then you can start to enrol employees
  • ASAP you will be able to roll out the scheme to employees and they can start to choose a lease vehicle.

Get in touch with Pink Salary Exchange today

For the best salary sacrifice car scheme on the market, contact Pink Salary Exchange and we can have your medical professionals signed up and driving their dream EV within days. Our friendly and experienced sales team can answer any questions you have and we can help you with the process to get you signed up and rolled out ASAP.

how to improve employee benefits

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